
来源:八戒影院人气:839更新:2023-02-09 15:58:22





《爱情公寓》电影官宣发布,依然是熟悉的配方,熟悉的味道,勾起我们满满的回忆。幕后花絮照也展现了3601室熟悉的场景:公寓里冰箱上边贴满了照片、明信片与便利贴,“牛奶要过期啦”下边备注着“张伟喝掉吧”, 这一个一个的细节让每一个粉丝都能会心的一笑。






-请问您如何评价《爱情公寓》电影版定档8月10日 原班人马悉数回归?

-I just wanna say: screw it! And I literally mean this. After enjoying the touching plot of FRIENDS and HIMYM, yep, and joyful lines from The BIG BANG THEORY, who the fuck will go to eat that shit burger and even pay it? This movie is not a tool to determine whether a person is a silly donkey, but the attitude of ‘how do you think about The Ipartment directly ripped off the plot and lines from other famous shows’ is. How dare those fanciers of this suck show think this should be the memorial symbol of a generation in China? How dare those fans think this plagiariam is not a crime, but is a proper method to raise money in the industry? How dare they believe The Ipartment is better than HIMYM, FRIENDS, and TBBT? How dare they consider everyone would be a cheater when we did our homework in our school time? And they don’t really shame on this, yet they are announcing that every Chinese audience should support this movie, just for patriotic moral and national spirit.

Even there is some brain-damaged anonymous guy asking ‘DID YOU ever pay to watch FRIENDS as the original work lovers?’ Hah, so what else method do you think we could use, rather than bought the official VCD? A telescope?

How ridiculous they are? To be honest, that is tragic to our young adults.




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