【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

来源:八戒影院人气:829更新:2023-06-10 11:43:02


【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

功绩之八:疏水造田 繁滋草木


Dredging the Waterway and Assarting the Cropland to Develop the Agriculture

According to the history, Fuxi appointed SuLu to Shuinongshi and his work was to dredge the waterway as soon as possible. And YinKang was assigned to practice slash-and-burn cultivation. These measures formed the rudiment of primordial agriculture.

【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

功绩之九:钻木取火 冶金成器


Drilling the wood for the fire and Smelting Metal for Tools

In the age of SuiRenshi, human beings made fire by hitting stones against each other. Fuxi invented a method to keep the kindling alight, and he also taught his people using fire to cook food, and to warm themselves, which has ended the age in which people ate raw birds and animals. Cooked food had great significance to human being's health, productivity and the progress in civilization. Fire also could be used for smelting metal and making pottery, which added to the progress in their lives.

【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

功绩之十:制琴瑟 作乐曲


Inventing Musical Instruments and Composing Music

Fuxi invented the "Se", a music instrument and composed for it. The "Se" was mainly used for daily entertainment and celebrating the good harvest. It was marvelous in the ancient China, for it not only enriched people's spirit life, but also pioneered works in Chinese musical history.

【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

功绩之十一:尝百草 制九针


Finding Herbal Medicine and Inventing Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Early people hardly had the power to resist disease and disaster. Disease was a big threat against their lives. So Fuxi tasted many plants and discovered many herbal medicines, he also invented acupuncture and moxibustion. He founded a series of treatments from daily life practice, which initiated the medical science of the late age.

【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

功绩之十二:以龙纪官 分部治理


Dividing His Domain into Nine parts and Appointing Leaders

Because of the increasing of population and the broadening of the domain, it was not suitable for it to be ruled by the chief of the tribe. Fuxi divided his domain into nine parts and appointed their leaders. At the same time he assigned six persons of virtue to manage the special affairs and assist him in governing the country. The managers of the nine parts got the dragon title by the tribal chief, and this manager group was named The Dragon's Collective. The management of social affairs became more and more systematic day by day.

【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)



Establishment of Divination

Divination is a method of forecasting good or ill luck. Along with the invention of the Eight Diagrams, Fuxi established divination, which guided his people's social activities to some extent and resulted in the emergence of divination books. The theory of the Eight Diagrams became one of the most mysterious cultures in China.

【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)【联动宣传】中国十大魅力之城——天水欢迎您来打卡 仲夏六月 寻根天水(下)

功绩之十四:作历度 定节气


Creation of the Chinese Calendar and the Solar Terms

The ancient people gradually realized the changing law of nature, and they concluded some astronomical knowledge. In the era of Fuxi, agriculture was beginning to develop and astronomical knowledge was in greater need than in the hunting age. During this period of time, Fuxi created the Chinese calendar and the solar terms, which was not only a social necessity, but also Fuxi's great contribution, for they could guide the people during planting time.


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