mistresses([美剧] 春心荡漾/Mist)

来源:八戒影院人气:567更新:2023-02-11 00:25:07

韩国女艺人 韩佳人时隔六年复出主演OCN新剧《Mistresses》

已经六年没有出演作品的韩国女艺人韩佳人将出演OCN新剧 《Mistresses》。



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[美剧] 春心荡漾/Mist

[美剧] 春心荡漾/Mistresses 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版


Savi(Alyssa Milano)是一位事业成功的女强人,正打算将自己的人生提升到一个新的高度--这既是指工作,也是指个人生活。一方面,她在为自己的律师事务所寻找新的合伙人,另一方面,她和她的丈夫Harry(Brett Tucker)希望生一个孩子,组建一个「真正的[展开全文]


Savi(Alyssa Milano)是一位事业成功的女强人,正打算将自己的人生提升到一个新的高度--这既是指工作,也是指个人生活。一方面,她在为自己的律师事务所寻找新的合伙人,另一方面,她和她的丈夫Harry(Brett Tucker)希望生一个孩子,组建一个「真正的家庭」。Savi的妹妹Josselyn(Jes Macallan)无拘无束,娇纵任性,追求的生活道路和姐姐完全不同--永远的单身女郎,永远的聚会女王,永远都在和不同的男人约会、上床、上床、约会,私生活十分糜烂。不过,她是个没有太多主见的女人,事事都要依靠姐姐。Savi和Josselyn共同的朋友April(Rochelle Aytes,她曾演出过2009年Lifetime改编的另一个版本的《情人》)最近刚刚丧偶,独自带着两个女儿生活,经营着一家位于罗伯逊大街的高端织品商店。她决心忘记过去的悲伤,在闺中密友们的支持和帮助下开始新的生活。另一个朋友Karen(Yunjin Kim)是一位小有名气的心理医生,自己创办了一家诊所。前不久她爱上了一名病人,结果在一段不该有的恋情中越陷越深。好不容易爬出泥潭的Karen感到孤独无依,于是回来寻找她的三个朋友。Jason George扮演英俊的Dominic,和Savi在同一家律师事务所中工作,两人曾发生过肉体关系。Brett Tucker扮演Sarah的丈夫Harry,一个事业成功的饭店老板,人很可爱,不知道妻子和别的男人上过床。


I was starting to get worried.


Hey! Happy birthday.

=> 嘿!生日快乐。

- You look very glamourous for a girls' night in.

=> - 你在一个女孩的夜晚看起来非常富有魅力。

Dol? Something smells nice, domestic goddess! Er, domestic, yes.

=> 多尔?有东西闻起来不错,国内女神!呃,国内呢,是的。

Goddess, no! I can't see you tonight.

=> 女神,不!我今晚不能见你。

-Who's the latest victim? -Her boss.

=> 谁是最新的受害者? -她的老板。

Finally taking her career seriously - that's a good thing.

=> 最后认真对待她的事业 - 这是一件好事。

Hello! -Yeah.

=> 你好!是啊。

Married? -Aren't they always? -Well, maybe it's love.

=> 已婚?他们总是?好吧,也许是爱情

-What, with jessica? Thank you! What's that? Very nice.

=> - 什么,与杰西卡?谢谢!那是什么?非常好。

Mojitos! Go easy on them, though, I think I completely overdid the rum.

=> 莫吉托!对他们来说很容易,但我认为我完全超过了朗姆酒。

Gift! Where are the kids? Are they asleep already? Yeah, I'm sorry.

=> 礼品!孩子们在哪里?他们已经睡着了吗?对,对不起

They couldn't keep their eyes open,but they did make you this card.

=> 他们不能睁开眼睛,但他们确实让你这张牌。

Aw! Look at that! Look at that.

=> 噢!看那个!看那个。

Ah-h-h! -Wow, what's this? -That is a spa day for two.

=> 阿H-H! - 这是什么?那是两个温泉日。

-Wow! You have to take a date, but you don't have to take us.

=> -哇!你必须约会,但你不必带我们。

-Thank you! -Yeah, but if you did prefer a girly I know, I know! -See if you remember this.

=> -谢谢! - 是的,但如果你确实喜欢我知道的少女,我知道! - 如果你还记得这个

-What's this? -Oh, of course I do! -You do, huh? -Yeah! -I got it copied.

=> -这是什么?哦,我当然知道 - 你呢?是啊!我把它复制了

Look at that.

=> 看那个。

Do you remember that? Oh, Siobhan, you always manage to pick the perfect present! -Thank you.

=> 你是否记得?哦,Siobhan,你总是可以挑选完美的礼物! -谢谢。


=> -抱歉。


=> 抱歉。

Sorry! Hey, look at that.

=> 抱歉!嘿,看看那个。

Look at us! - Are you going to open my present? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

=> 看着我们! - 你打算打开我的礼物吗? - 耶耶耶。

And drinks.

=> 还有饮料。

What is this, I wonder? Thank you, jessica, it's gorgeous.

=> 这是什么,我想知道?谢谢你,杰西卡,真漂亮。

I thought your lingerie could do with an update cos I reckon -yours has been seeing some action.

=> 我以为你的内衣可以做一个更新因为我认为 - 你已经看到了一些行动。

-What?! -Katie, are you holding out on us? -No! Sadly.

=> -什么?!凯蒂,你是否支持我们? -没有!可悲的是。

Serious I would tell you! -I would tell you.

=> 严重的我会告诉你! -我会告诉你。

-Well, with knickers like those, you're just gonna have to get laid.

=> 好吧,像这样的短裤,你只能得到奠定。

You'd know about that, wouldn't you? How's the baby-making going? Sex in the morning, sex in the afternoon, sex in the evening.

=> 你会知道的,不是吗?宝宝怎么样?早上的性,下午的性,晚上的性。

-Mm, lucky you! -Careful, you'll turn into jessica.

=> - 嗯,幸运的你! - 真的,你会变成杰西卡。

-You wish! -0h, I'd say the novelty will wear off soon.

=> -你希望! -0h,我会说这个新奇会很快消失。

Oh, come on! You can't be on call today.

=> 哦,来吧!你今天不能打电话。

It's your birthday! -I'm sorry, I'm covering someone at the surgery.

=> 这是你的生日!对不起,我正在做手术。

-These are good.

=> 这些都很好。

Are they? Fantastic.

=> 他们?太棒了。

I know how to make a mojito! -No, no, no, go! You've got people to rescue and lives to save.

=> 我知道如何做一个莫吉托! - 不,不,走吧!你们有救人和救命的人。


=> 是啊。


=> 再见。

You were supposed to wait 15 minutes before you paged me.

=> 你本来应该等15分钟才给你打电话。

I know.

=> 我知道。

But they have you for longer than I have, and I couldn't wait.

=> 但他们比你有更长的时间,我等不及了。

Mistresses S01E01 "Men Behaving Badly" You know you shouldn't do that.

=> 情妇S01E01“男人行为不端”你知道你不应该这样做。

I don't care.

=> 我不在乎。

And you should know better, Doctor.

=> 医生,你应该知道的更好。


=> 没有。

I shouldn't.

=> 我不应该

Will you help me? Do you need morphine? john, are you in pain? No.

=> 你会帮我吗?你需要吗啡吗?约翰,你痛苦吗?没有。

No, not that.

=> 不,不是。

Will you help me, Katie, when it's time? "Here is the deepest secret nobody knows.

=> 凯蒂,你能帮我一下吗? “这是没有人知道的最深的秘密。

" "'Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called Life, 'which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide.


'And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.

=> “这是让星星分开的奇迹。

"I carry your heart.

=> “我怀着你的心。

" "I carry it in my heart.


" My, erm, dad wanted me to read that poem.


He was, erm, he was a really great dad, and a loving husband and a true friend to many.

=> 他是呃,他是一个非常伟大的父亲,是一个慈爱的丈夫,是许多真正的朋友。

I'm sure, erm all of us will miss him very dearly.

=> 我敢肯定,我们大家都会非常想念他的。


=> 博士

Roden Hi, Sam.

=> 罗登嗨,山姆。


=> 我。


=> 。


=> 。

very sorry about your father.


You were treating him, weren't you? Well, he was under the care of the hospital doctors, but How come you all got it wrong? How come no-one told me he was about to die? It happened very quickly, it sometimes does and Someone must have realised.

=> 你在对待他,不是吗?那么,他在医院的医生的照顾下,但是你们怎么搞错了?怎么没有人告诉我他即将死亡?它发生得非常快,有时确实有人必须意识到。

Your father might have wanted to leave happier memories.

=> 你的父亲可能想离开更快乐的回忆。

-But I'm sure he was thinking of you.

=> 但我确定他在想你。

-He was having an affair.

=> 他有外遇

Hi, Trudi, it's me.

=> 嗨,Trudi,是我。

Erm, are you around? Hi, Katie.

=> 呃,你在吗?嗨,凯蒂。

Sorry to keep calling you.

=> 对不起,继续打电话给你。

I know you're working.

=> 我知道你在工作

I'm just checking you're on for tonight? I can't talk right now.

=> 我只是检查你今天晚上?我现在不能说话。

The girls have just been sent home from schoolwith nits.

=> 女孩刚从学校送回家。


=> 。



Er, cheers.


Mummy, I've found the nits.

=> 妈妈,我已经找到了尼姑。

Ugh! Get away from me.

=> 啊!离开我。

Hi, it's jess.

=> 嗨,这是杰西。

Leave a message.

=> 留言。

jess, it's me.

=> 杰斯,这是我。

I'm just checking you're back from Paris and you're on for tonight? It's 6:50 at mine 0h, and could you please let Siobhan know? OK, cheers, I'll see you later.

=> 我只是检查你是从巴黎回来的,而你今晚呢?现在是我的6点50分,你能让Siobhan知道吗?好,欢呼,我待会见


=> 好。


=> 再见。

See you at the office.

=> 在办公室见

Siobhan, are you still coming tonight? jess, listen, darling, I'm gonna have to call you back, OK? What exactly are we looking for? Vaginal secretions.

=> Siobhan,今晚你还来吗?杰斯,听着,亲爱的,我必须给你回电,好吗?我们究竟在寻找什么?阴道分泌物。

It says here, when ovulating, secretions should be clear and stretchy.

=> 这里说,排卵时,分泌物应该是清晰的,有弹性的。

Makes it easier for the sperm to swim in, apparently.

=> 使精子更容易游入,显然。

-Well? -Hari! Nah.

=> -好? -Hari!罗。


=> 没有。

-No point shagging, then? -Nah.

=> - 没有点sha,,然后呢? -Nah。

So, did you remember to buy more folic acid? -I ask you to do one thing -I'll do it! I'll text Katie.

=> 所以,你记得要买更多的叶酸吗? - 我要求你做一件事 - 我会做的!我会发短信凯蒂。

jess, it's Siobhan calling you back.

=> jess,Siobhan叫你回来


=> 所以。


=> 。



how was Paris? ¡Bonjour Jessica! - "C'est Jean-Pierre" - Hey, jessica, 'it's Tom.

=>巴黎怎么样?甜心杰西卡! “C'est Jean-Pierre” - 嘿,杰西卡,“是汤姆。

I'm in to You were shagging, weren't you? -I tell you all my conquests.

=> 我在做你在sha,,不是吗? - 我告诉你我所有的征服

-Yep, the pleasure's all yours.

=> - 快乐,你的全部。

Where did you go? Hotel room? Siobhan, we're both adults.

=> 你去哪儿?旅馆房间? Siobhan,我们都是成年人。

Why won't you share your baby-making techniques? Cos I don't want to star in your grubby fantasies.

=> 你为什么不分享你的宝贝制作技巧?因为我不想出演你肮脏的幻想。

I've got 700 pages of this to get through.

=> 我已经有700页这个通过。

Give a man a break! I wasn't shagging.

=> 给一个男人休息一下!我没有唠叨。

Hi, Katie.

=> 嗨,凯蒂。

Much better, thank you, Rob.



=> -好。

Mum! She's tickling me! - Hi.

=> 妈妈!她在痒我 - 嗨。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

Don't worry.

=> 别担心

I'm pretending not to notice as well.

=> 我假装不注意。

Oh! You're Amy's dad.

=> 哦!你是艾米的爸爸

Yeah, I've seen you at drop-off.

=> 是的,我已经看到你在下车。


=> 理查德。

And you must be Er, Cathy's mum.

=> 你一定是呃,凯茜的妈妈。


=> Trudi。

Nice to meet you.

=> 很高兴见到你。

Erm, she's excited about having a new girl in her class.

=> 呃,她很高兴在班上有一个新的女孩。

Everyone's been amazingly friendly since we got here.

=> 自从我们来到这里以后,每个人都非常友善。

-Yeah? -Yeah, you'rejust being wooed by the opposing forces of the PTA! -Trust no-one, there's about to be a coup.

=> 是啊? - 是的,你只是被PTA的反对力量所吸引!没有人会有一个政变。

-Really? Whose side are you on? 0h, erm Well, you know, I'm not taking any chances, I'm backing both.

=> -真?你支持哪一方呢? 0h,恩,呃,你知道,我没有任何机会,我支持两者。

You'll have to fill me in some time.

=> 你一定要填补我一段时间。


=> 其实。


=> 。


=> 。

do you fancy going for a coffee? Not in here, there's a Starbucks nextdoor .




and across the road.


And one in the toilet probably! Do you know what? I've got three hours of nit-combing to do and I've got friends coming over No worries, sure.

=> 还有一个在厕所里!你知道吗?我有三个小时的时间来完成,我有朋友过来,不用担心,当然。

Some other time.

=> 其他时间。

Mum, can we have this? Yeah, ice cream! Married men are a no-brainer.

=> 妈妈,我们可以有这个吗?是的,冰淇淋!已婚的男人是一件容易的事。

They're bedroom trained, they're low maintenance, and you've got a ready-made exit strategy.

=> 他们在卧室训练,维护费用低,而且你有一个现成的退出策略。

-There you go.

=> - 你走了

-No mess, no fuss.

=> - 没有混乱,没有大惊小怪。

Except, sometimes their wives catch you.

=> 有时他们的妻子会抓住你。

-Isn't that the whole point? -No! The point was to shag him in the top three Parisian bridal suites at our client's expense.

=> 这不是全部? -没有!重点在于让他在巴黎的三大新娘套房中受到我们的委托,

God, I want your life, jess! How can you say that?! Hari's the loveliest man in the world.

=> 上帝,我想要你的生活,杰斯!你怎么能这么说?!哈里是世界上最可爱的人。

All right, I only want her sex life! And your kids.

=> 好吧,我只想要她的性生活!还有你的孩子


=> 噢。

Well, at least you're in love.

=> 那么,至少你恋爱了。

Put together, you'd make one perfectly satisfied individual.

=> 放在一起,你会成为一个完美的满足的个人。

No, I'm satisfied with sex.

=> 不,我对性感到满意。

You don't die if you don't get sex.

=> 如果你不性交,你不会死。

Clearly, or we'd have buried you years ago.

=> 很明显,或者几年前我们已经埋葬了你。

-No fighting! -0K, Katie.

=> -不准打架!凯蒂。

Multiple choice -sex, love or kids? -What, can I only have one?! Love.

=> 多种选择-sex,爱或孩子? - 我可以只有一个吗?!爱。

I THINK someone asked me out today.

=> 我想今天有人问我。

-Really? -0h, yeah? -Hello! He's a new dad at school, and I think he just got divorced.

=> -真? -0h,是吗? -你好!他在学校是个新爸爸,我觉得他刚刚离婚了。

We got chatting at the supermarket and he said should we go for a coffee and I went, 'Erm, erm, uh-uh-erm' Hang on a minute.

=> 我们在超市聊天,他说我们应该去喝杯咖啡,我去了,“嗯,嗯,呃,呃嗯”等一下。

He asked you out for a coffee in Sainsburys? No.

=> 他请你在塞恩斯堡喝咖啡?没有。

In Tesco's actually.

=> 在特易购的其实。

And, well, I'm not really sure he was asking me out.

=> 而且,我不确定他是否在问我。

What did he say? EXACT words.

=> 他说什么?确切的话。

-'D'you fancy going for a coffee?' -He said 'fancy'? -I think so.

=> 你想喝咖啡吗?他说'看中'? -我想是这样。

-If he said that, he was asking you out.

=> 如果他这么说,他是在问你。

Maybe he said 'want'.

=> 也许他说'想'。

Well, that's different.

=> 那么,这是不同的。

That's more tricky to interpret This is exactly why I switched from English to Modern Languages.

=> 这是更难以解释这正是我从英文切换到现代语言。

Sorry, do we want to talk about YOUR sex life some more? Come on, woman, think.

=> 对不起,我们想谈谈你的性生活吗?来吧,女人,想想。

We've been waiting six years for this.

=> 我们已经等了六年了。

Want or fancy? -Fancy.

=> 想要还是想要? -Fancy。

-He was asking you out.

=> 他在问你。

-Really? -Mm-hm.

=> -真? -MM-HM。

- Really? - Mm-hm.

=> - 真的吗? - 嗯。


=> 劳动报。


=> 。


=> 。

? When did this come? It came this morning.

=> ?这是什么时候来的?今天早上来了。

So you've scored a million and pulled on the same day.

=> 所以你已经拿下了一百万,并在同一天拉。

See you, Trud.

=> 再见,Trud。

Hey, you don't feel like a last one, do you? For the road? I thought you had to go home and shag? We could go to Metro? Sorry, I can't.

=> 嘿,你不觉得自己是最后一个,是吗?为了这条路?我以为你必须回家和沙克?我们可以去地铁吗?对不起,我不能。

Got a late-night delivery.

=> 得到了深夜交货。

See ya.

=> 再见。

Why haven't you paid it in yet? Guilt.

=> 为什么你还没有付钱?有罪。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Everything's screaming at me to move on.

=> 一切都尖叫着我继续前进。

The girls are both in school I've finally settled the money, and someone's even asked me out after six years.

=> 女孩们都在学校,我终于把这笔钱结清了,六年后有人问我出去了。

I mean, someone I quite like.

=> 我的意思是,我很喜欢的人。

How can I move on when I don't know what happened to Paul? What if he's still out there? No, he's not out there.

=> 当我不知道保罗发生了什么事的时候,我该怎么办?如果他还在外面呢?不,他不在。

-Those phone calls -The police traced them.

=> - 那些电话 - 警方追查他们。

-They were from public places.

=> 他们来自公共场所。

-Thousands of people died.

=> 成千上万的人死亡

-Where else would he be? -Maybe he lost his memory.

=> 他会在哪里?也许他失去了记忆。

Then he wouldn't be calling you from pizza restaurants and cab firms, would he? You don't understand, not being able to say goodbye to him.

=> 那么他不会从比萨餐厅和出租车公司打电话给你,他会吗?你不明白,不能跟他说再见。

It's been six years, Trudi! Let it go, for Christ's sake.

=> Trudi,已经六年了!为了基督的缘故,放手吧。

-I'm sorry.

=> -对不起。

What? -Katie? Is everything all right? I've been having an affair.

=> 什么? -Katie?一切都顺利吗?我一直有外遇。

-What?! -For two years.

=> -什么?! - 两年。

He was married.

=> 他结婚了

He was going to leave his wife, but, erm he got ill.

=> 他要离开他的妻子,但是,他生病了。

And he died last week.

=> 他上周死了。

john's funeral was this morning.

=> 约翰的葬礼是今天上午。

Oh, my God! Wh Why didn't you tell me? I couldn't.

=> 哦,我的上帝!你为什么不告诉我?我不能。


=> 一世。


=> 。



I wanted to, loads of times, and God, I know it sounds completely mad, but, erm -I just couldn't.

=> 我想,很多次,上帝,我知道这听起来完全是疯了,但是,嗯,我不能。

-Why not? Because he was my patient.

=> -为什么不?因为他是我的病人。

And, erm because you would've told me to stop.

=> 而且,呃,因为你会告诉我停止。

Oh, Katie, I'm sorry.

=> 哦,凯蒂,我很抱歉。

And you've been listening to me, going on and on for the last six years.

=> 在过去的六年里,你一直在听我的话。

But his son, Trudi His son knows he was having an affair.

=> 但他的儿子,他的儿子Trudi知道他有外遇。

You have one new message.

=> 你有一个新的消息。

Doctor Roden, it's Sam Grey.

=> 罗登医生,是萨姆·格雷。

I found your number at home.

=> 我在家找到你的号码。


=> 一世。


=> 。



need to speak to you.


It's important.

=> 这一点很重要。

Please call me back on this number.

=> 请给我回电这个号码。

It says in here we should keep daily fertility lists.

=> 它在这里说我们应该保持每日生育列表。

I already do.

=> 我已经做了。

- 98.

=> - 98。



- Bingo! Come on.

=> - 答对了!来吧。

-Can you Can youj ust? -Sure.

=> - 你可以吗? -当然。

No, hang on.

=> 不,挂上。

I didn't mean that, I didn't mean that.

=> 我不是那个意思,我不是那个意思。

I'm late for work, and I just don't feel like it.

=> 我上班迟到了,我只是不喜欢。

You used to be up for a shag anyplace, anytime.

=> 你曾经在任何地方任何时候都可以随便上床。

It's one of the qualities that drew me to you.

=> 这是我吸引你的一个特质。

Isn't there ANYTHING in that bloody book of yours that says how to make this fun?! You should read it, you might find out.

=> 在那本血淋淋的书中,没有任何一篇文章讲述如何使这个乐趣?你应该阅读它,你可能会发现。




=> 现在。


=> 所以。


=> 。


=> 。

what did you drag me out of bed for? Hard to leave, was it? Your next assignment - Lisa and Alex's lesbian wedding.

=>你把我从床上拖了下来是为了什么?难以离开,是吗?你的下一个任务 - 丽莎和亚历克斯的女同性恋婚礼。

I hate weddings.

=> 我讨厌婚礼。

You know I hate weddings.

=> 你知道我讨厌婚礼。

People wanking on about adoring each other, it's nauseating.

=> 人们互相崇拜,这是令人恶心的。

Come on Don't start defending the institution of marriage cos it won't cut any ice with me.

=> 来吧不要开始捍卫婚姻的机构,它不会与我一起削减任何的冰块。

Give it to Mel, she's a walking bloody rom-com! Yeah, but I don't wanna sleep with Mel.

=> 把它给梅尔,她是一个走路的血腥rom公司!是的,但我不想和梅尔睡觉。

Hotels, restaurants, limousines And since this one's against the clock, I want you working directly under me.

=> 酒店,餐馆,豪华轿车由于这是一个时钟,我希望你直接在我之下工作。

I hate weddings.

=> 我讨厌婚礼。

Which one do you reckon's the bride? -jessica.

=> 你认为哪一个是新娘? -jessica。

Hi, let's talk about your happy day.

=> 嗨,我们来谈谈你快乐的一天。

- Hello.

=> - 你好。

-Morning, Anne.

=> - 上午,安妮


=> -早上。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

Are we talking small and beautiful or big and fabulous? We've done a rough guest list.

=> 我们在说小而美,还是大而美妙?我们做了一个粗略的客人名单。

It's somewhere between 150 and 200.

=> 在150到200之间。

And the rest.

=> 剩下的

OK, well, if you're free a bit later on, we'll start by looking at some venues for upto 200.

=> 好的,好吧,如果你稍后有空,我们将开始看一些200多个场馆。

OK well, here are some possibilities.

=> 好吧,这里有一些可能性。

OK, girls.

=> 好吧,女孩。

Come on.

=> 来吧。

-Cathy! I'll see you after school, darling.

=> -Cathy!亲爱的,我放学后见你。

-Whatever! -OK.

=> -随你! -好。

Bye, sweetie.

=> 亲爱的再见。

-Bye! - Hi.

=> - 再见! - 嗨。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

Um, do you fancy getting that coffee? 0her I'd love to, but there's something I really have to do this morning 0h, right.

=> 嗯,你喜欢喝咖啡吗?我很乐意,但今天早上我真的必须做点什么,对吧。


=> 精细。

Oh, but there's a PTA meeting this afternoon.

=> 哦,今天下午还有一个PTA会议。

If you come along, we could grab a coffee after? - Uh.

=> 如果你来,我们可以拿一杯咖啡? - 呃。


=> 。


=> 。

that might be a bit tricky.


-0h, please.

=> -0h。

Well I'd just love it if you would.

=> 好吧,如果你愿意的话,我会喜欢的。

I mean, it's like 12 Angry Women in there.

=> 我的意思是,就像12名愤怒的女人在那里。

I'd love to throw them a curve ball.

=> 我很想把他们扔到一个曲线球。

OK, I'll see what I can do.

=> 好的,我会看看我能做什么。


=> -好。


=> -好。


=> 再见。


=> - 再见。

Sam Grey, please.

=> 萨姆格雷,请。

Come in.

=> 进来。

Hi, Sam.

=> 你好山姆。

Come and take a seat, will you? Yeah.

=> 过来坐下,好吗?是啊。

I wanted to apologise for how I behaved at my dad's funeral.

=> 我想为我在爸爸的葬礼上的表现道歉。


=> 嗯。


=> 。



I've been trying to get hold of you.


It was really good of you to come.

=> 你过得真好。

- I've been treating your family for a long while, so.

=> - 我一直在待你的家人很久了,所以


=> 。



- Yeah, my mum said how much y0u've been there for them both.

=> - 是的,我的妈妈说,他们两个在这里都有多少。

I'm sorry I was so rude.

=> 对不起,我太无礼了。

-It's OK.

=> -没关系。

-It's just I was up all night writing the eulogy, and then, er, that morning, that's when I found That's when I realised It was such a nightmare, you know.

=> - 只是我整晚都在写颂歌,然后,呃,那天早上,那是当我发现那时候,我意识到这是一场噩梦,你知道的。

All I could think about was how long he'd been lying to me and whether she was sat there, in front of me You know? -I shouldn't have taken that out on you.

=> 我能想到的只有他躺在我身上多久,她是否坐在我面前,你知道吗?我不应该把这件事放在你身上

-No, no.

=> -不,不。

-That's completely underst.

=> - 这是完全低估。


=> 。



-No, it's pathetic, that's what it is.

=> 不,这是可悲的,就是这样。

Looking for someone to blame.

=> 找人责怪。

When it was, it was me.

=> 当时,是我。

I should have been there.

=> 我应该去过那里。

I should have been with him.

=> 我应该和他在一起。

Sam, your father would have wanted you to remember him strong and healthy.

=> 山姆,你父亲本来希望你记得他强壮健康。

Is that what he said? You said that to me before.

=> 这是他说的吗?你之前对我说过

Well, he I just know that he'd hate you to be beating yourself up over not being there at the end.

=> 呃,他只是知道他会恨你最后不在那里。


=> 是啊。

That's what I thought.

=> 我也这么想。

But now I have my doubts.

=> 但是现在我怀疑了。

So what, um, what made you? -I wouldn't want my mum to find out about any of this.

=> 那么,是什么让你呢? - 我不希望我的妈妈知道这件事。

-No, of course not.

=> -不,当然不。

What you say in here is completely confidential.

=> 你在这里说的是完全保密的。


=> 是啊。

So I was ringing around everybody about the funeral, and, er, my dad used to play football on Sunday afternoons.

=> 所以我在大家围绕葬礼打来电话,呃,我父亲星期天下午曾经踢足球。

And I spoke to the bloke that organised it, and he said he hadn't been for, y'know, two years.

=> 我对那个组织它的家伙说,他说他不是两年。

And I thought it must be the illness .

=> 我认为这一定是病。



but then I found this.


It was in the, um, suit pocket, the suit he wanted to be buried in.

=> 那是在他的西装口袋里,他想要埋葬的西装。

That's, um, not my mum's handwriting.

=> 那就是,嗯,不是我妈妈的笔迹。

She said that YOU were there a lot, towards the end.

=> 她说,你到底有多少呢?

You don't have any idea who it could be, do you? No.

=> 你不知道这是谁,对不对?没有。


=> 没有。

No, I don't.

=> 不,我不知道。

-I'm just popping out.

=> - 我刚冒出来

-Again? If Duggan wants me, tell him I've got a doctor's appointment.

=> -再次?如果达根想要我,告诉他我有个医生的预约。

You said that yesterday.

=> 你昨天说过

I can have you followed, you know.

=> 你知道,我可以跟着你。

We do have people here that do that.

=> 我们这里有这样的人。

Will you just cover for me, please? -Tell me where you're really going.

=> 你能帮我盖好吗? - 告诉我你真正去的地方

-Wouldn't YOU like to know?! Hey.

=> 你不想知道吗?嘿。

jess, where are you? I've 40 minutes.

=> 杰斯,你在哪里?我有40分钟

Um just near the High Street.

=> 就在高街附近。

I've got.

=> 我有。


=> 。



- 25 minutes.

=> - 25分钟

- OK.

=> - 好。

I'll see you in five.

=> 我会在五点见你。

-You take care, Sam.

=> - 你保重,山姆。

-Thanks, thanks for.

=> 谢谢,谢谢。


=> 。




=> 。



I didn't know who else to talk to.


I want him to look at me like I'm his wildest erotic fantasy, and he's been waiting all day to take me on the kitchen table.

=> 我希望他看着我,就像我是他最疯狂的色情幻想,他一整天都在等我把我带上厨房的桌子。

Instead of like I'm this empty vessel who ought to be eight months pregnant in a smock.

=> 而不是像我这个空的船,应该是怀孕八个月的工作服。

Good for the anti-smock factor.

=> 好的防罩因素。


=> 善良。

Well, I suppose I have to do something, it's like we're shagging in Groundhog Day.

=> 那么,我想我必须做点什么,就像在土拨鼠日里我们正在厮混。

You should really wax your fanny with those, though.

=> 不过,你应该真的用你的屁股打蜡。

-Goodness! Why? -For the porn look.

=> -Goodness!为什么? - 对于色情的外观。

Try it, might shock Hari into some radical new moves.

=> 试试吧,可能会让哈里陷入一些激进的新举措。

No! The last thing we need is more gynaecology.

=> 没有!我们最需要的是更多的妇科。

Honestly, Trudi's school run has more mystery to it.

=> 老实说,Trudi的学校运行有更多的奥秘。

Don't you think that's a bit weird, him asking her out the day she gets her million? No.

=> 你不觉得这有点奇怪吗,他让她出去赚钱的那一天呢?没有。

How would he know? Hello.

=> 他怎么知道?你好。

And, um, could you take my husband's name off the account, please? Sure.

=> 那么,呃,可以把我丈夫的名字从账户上拿走吗?当然。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

-Got time for a sandwich? -Er, Rob, I haven't.

=> - 加入三明治的时间?呃,罗布,我没有。


=> 抱歉。

I've got a house call.

=> 我有一个房子电话。


=> 再见。

-Siobhan, I've gotta go.

=> -Siobhan,我得走了。


=> -好。

You look.

=> 你看。


=> 。


=> 。



Really? Yes.

=> 真?是。

- Siobhan Dhillon.

=> - Siobhan Dhillon。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

They've applied to the court.

=> 他们已经向法庭申请了。

Smith & Smith? That's laid down for next week.

=> 史密斯和史密斯?这是下周的规定。

-I know.

=> -我知道。

They didn't tell us.

=> 他们没有告诉我们。

-What? -They've applied without notice? -Yup.

=> -什么? - 他们没有通知而申请? -对。

-No, they can't! -Well, they have.

=> - 不,他们不能!好的,他们有。

-What?! -They're on their way over.

=> -什么?!他们正在路上。

-Right now.

=> -马上。

- No! Shit! Yeah.

=> - 不!拉屎!是啊。


=> 没有。

I'll be there in five minutes.

=> 我会在五分钟内到达那里。


=> 好。

-Hurry! - -Yeah.

=> -匆忙! - 是的。


=> 好。

Oh, shit, shit.

=> 哦,狗屎,狗屎。

Um, excuse me? Hello? OK.

=> 恩,对不起?你好?好。


=> 好。

-Is everything OK? -Yes.

=> -一切都顺利吗? -是。

I'm taking everything.

=> 我正在采取一切。


=> -0h。

Great! -There you go.

=> 大! - 你走了


=> 谢谢。

You're welcome.

=> 别客气。

OK, so this is option eight, or is it nine? I can't remember.

=> 好的,所以这是选择八,还是九?我不记得了。

Anyway I think you might like this one.

=> 无论如何,我想你可能会喜欢这个。

Great space.

=> 伟大的空间。

It's pretty much a blank canvas, so we can decorate it however you want.

=> 这几乎是一个空白的画布,所以我们可以装饰它,但是你想要的。


=> 凉。

And we can create different areas using screens and fabrics.

=> 我们可以使用屏幕和布料创建不同的区域。

-I've got some images here I can show you.

=> 在这里我可以看到一些图片

-I hate it.

=> -我讨厌它。

Look, I know you're doing your best, but it's just big and bland and soulless.

=> 看,我知道你在尽力而为,但这只是一个平淡无奇的人。

just like the others.

=> 就像其他人一样。

Well, that's because we haven't made it our own yet.

=> 那是因为我们还没有把它做成我们自己呢。

It'll never be our own.

=> 它永远不会是我们自己的。

I want it to say something about us, me and Lisa, and our life together.

=> 我想要说一些关于我们,我和丽莎以及我们的生活。

So you want somewhere beautiful genuine and intimate for 200 people.

=> 所以你想要一个美丽的真实和亲密的200人的地方。

-Come on.

=> -来吧。

-Tell me.

=> -告诉我。


=> 好。


=> 。



The freezing order was made on the 23rd of April, to prevent any dissipation of Smith's marital assets.

=> 四月二十三日冻结命令,以防止史密斯的婚姻资产消散。

The 23rd of April.

=> 四月二十三日


=> 。




=> 2007年。

The difficulty arises over the exact parameters of the freezing order.

=> 冻结顺序的确切参数出现困难。

They're made clear in the order.

=> 他们在命令中已经清楚了。

Your client can't touch the proceeds from the sale of the former matrimonial home.

=> 您的客户不能触摸出售前婚姻住所的收益。

Or deal on the French property.

=> 或处理法国财产。

Then he's unable to pay his employees' salaries.

=> 然后他无法支付员工的工资。

You said that to the judge.

=> 你对法官说过

He didn't like it and we don't like it.

=> 他不喜欢它,我们不喜欢它。

While I accept you may be correct about the judgment at the time, my client may have to make an application to vary this order, otherwise his business stands to fail, and that is neither in his interest, nor in your client's.

=> 虽然我承认你对当时的判断可能是正确的,但是我的客户可能需要提出申请来改变这个命令,否则他的生意就会失败,这既不符合他的利益,也不符合客户的利益。

There are also some very serious issues as to non-disclosure, as you well know.

=> 正如你所知,还有一些关于不披露的非常严重的问题。

When you got that freezing order, you had to tell the judge all relevant matters, which my client might have wanted to rely on had he been at the hearing.

=> 当你得到这个冻结的命令的时候,你必须告诉法官一切有关的事情,如果他在听证会上,我的当事人可能会依靠这些事情。

The children come first.

=> 孩子们先来。

We need more support from both parents and teachers with regard to all extracurricular funding.

=> 我们需要家长和老师对所有课外资金的更多支持。

And it isn't only a fundraising issue, it raises the whole issue of why, in a democratic organisation, this type of funding.

=> 这不仅是一个筹款问题,它提出了为什么在民主组织中,这种资助的全部问题。


=> 。



What if I buy the spring bazaar tombola machine myself? Um, I had a windfall.

=> 如果我自己购买春季市场的Tombola机器怎么办?呃,我有意外的收获。


=> 是。

Gina's already spread the word.

=> 吉娜已经传播了这个词。

-Dark pink with black lace? -I'm not telling you.

=> - 黑色蕾丝的粉红色?我不是在告诉你

Even if I draw the exact same garment, like Derren Brown? -I'm still not telling you.

=> 即使我画出像Derren Brown一样的服装?我还没有告诉你

-You don't have to tell me.

=> 你不必告诉我

You can just show me.

=> 你可以给我看看

If you show me your knickers, I will do all your work for you, as well as doing mine.

=> 如果你向我展示你的短裤,我会为你做所有的工作,以及做我的工作。

I'll go through all the court orders,flag up anything that isn't the same as last time, and I'll have it on your desk before seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

=> 我会通过所有的法庭命令,标出与上次不一样的东西,明天早上七点之前我会把它放在你的桌子上。

-That's not a bad offer, actually.

=> 实际上这不是一个坏的提议。

-Go on, I dare you.

=> - 走,我敢。

How long? -Ten seconds? -Five.

=> 多久?十秒? -五。


=> 随你。

All right, then.

=> 那好吧。


=> 10。

I just wanted to check and see how you were getting on, really.

=> 我只是想检查,看看你是怎么做的,真的。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Keeping busy.

=> 保持忙碌。

-How's Sam coping? -Pretty badly.

=> - 山姆应该怎么办? - 不好意思

Is he.

=> 是他。


=> 。


=> 。

taking more time off college? I thought he might need a note or something.


He's not going back.

=> 他不回去了

And he keeps asking me over and over about why we didn't call him back sooner, why we didn't tell him it was about to happen.

=> 他一直问我一遍又一遍地问我们为什么不早点回电话,为什么我们不告诉他即将发生。

And who was in the room, who'd been round to see him.

=> 谁在房间里,谁在旁边看他。

-It's as though he's obsessed.

=> - 他好像痴迷了一样。

- Well, that's all completely normal, Gemma, but you should talk to him about going back to college.

=> - 好吧,这完全正常,杰玛,但是你应该跟他说要回大学。

The best thing right now is not change anything in your lives, no big decisions.

=> 现在最好的事情是不改变你生活中的任何事情,没有什么大的决定。

-He should go back.

=> 他应该回去。

-I know.

=> -我知道。

But it's as though he can't get over not being there, to say goodbye.

=> 但好像他不能不在那里,说再见。

You had to respect john's wishes.

=> 你必须尊重约翰的愿望。

I knowl promised never to speak about it, but don't you think I should tell him what john wanted, what you did for him? No.

=> 我知道答应不要谈论这件事,但你不认为我应该告诉他约翰想要什么,你为他做了什么?没有。

I think he'd never forgive you.

=> 我想他永远不会原谅你

-Hey! -Hey, Trud.

=> -嘿! - 嗨,Trud。

I don't suppose you could come over to mine? Tonight.

=> 我不认为你可以过来我的?今晚。

Eight o'clock? -Yeah.

=> 八点钟?是啊。


=> -好。

I'll get a baby-sitter.

=> 我会找个保姆。


=> 大。


=> 谢谢。


=> 谢谢。

-Hari? Two women planning a wedding.

=> -Hari?计划婚礼的两名妇女。

I may as well shoot myself now.

=> 我现在不妨开枪自杀。

Look, much as I'm enjoying whipping you into shape on this one, d'you want me to give it to someone else? No way! No, they have no idea what they're dealing with.

=> 看,就像我正享受着这个形状,你想让我把它交给别人吗?没门!不,他们不知道他们在处理什么。

OK, I was going to bring the Tibetan Book 0f The Dead, but I thought you'd much rather have this.

=> 好吧,我要带死亡的西藏书,但是我想你宁愿有这个。

Or there's vodka? I could make a sea breeze, if you've got cranberry.

=> 或者有伏特加?如果你有蔓越莓,我可以做一个海风。

Thanks, Trud.

=> 谢谢,Trud。

-Who did you get to baby-sit? -Oh, the crazy Croat.

=> 你是谁谁坐着的?哦,疯狂的克罗地亚人

She's just got engaged.

=> 她刚刚订婚了

Siobhan? -What's going on? -What time is it? - 11:30.

=> 西沃恩? -这是怎么回事? -几点了? - 11:30

- I came home early, I wanted to surprise you.

=> - 我早早回家,我想给你一个惊喜。

-You were supposed to call me when you were leaving.

=> - 你要离开的时候打电话给我。

-Was I? Sorry.

=> - 我呢?抱歉。

I've been calling you.

=> 我一直在给你打电话。

Hari Bloody hell.

=> 哈里血腥地狱。

You've certainly done that.


Come on then, help me unlace or I'll be struck in this thing forever.

=> 来吧,帮我解开,否则我会永远在这件事情上。

If I must.

=> 如果我必须。

Did you remember to check your temperature? Babe, baby, I should really be on top.

=> 你记得检查你的温度吗?宝贝,宝贝,我真的应该在上面。

Hari! Can you just stop thinking about babies for once, and just.

=> 哈!你能停下来想一想婴儿吗?


=> 。



make love to me.

=> 我做爱。


=> 抱歉。

-I'm sorry.

=> -对不起。

-It's not your fault.

=> -这不是你的错。

-So, did you see your flirty dad today? -Yeah.

=> 所以,今天你有没有看到你那轻浮的爸爸?是啊。

He asked me for a coffee again, but I'd decided to pay that money into the bank - you know, the whole closure thing? So I asked him to come to a PTA meeting - no, I practically begged him.

=> 他又问了我一杯咖啡,但我决定把这笔钱还给银行 - 你知道,整个封闭的事情呢?所以我请他来参加一个PTA会议 - 不,我几乎要求他。

And he didn't show, and I was really disappointed.

=> 而他没有表现出来,我真的很失望。

Why don't you just call him? No! Cos I feel less guilty if I'm not the one Why are we still talking about MY life? -Aren't we here to? -No, no.

=> 你为什么不给他打电话?没有!因为如果我不是那个人,我会感到内疚为什么我们还在谈论我的生活?我们不在这里? -不,不。

It helps, it really does.

=> 它有帮助,它确实如此。

Well, it makes me feel like a totally rubbish friend, which clearly I am, or you would have told me two years ago.

=> 那么,这让我觉得自己就像一个完全垃圾的朋友,我很清楚,或者两年前你会告诉我的。

Hey What is it? Trudi If I tell you this, you Yeah? .

=> 嘿这是什么? Trudi如果我告诉你,你是吗? 。



You know I'd been treating john.


Well, I was treating him when he died .

=> 那么他死的时候我就是在治疗他。



and er I was there in his house .




right up until the end.


I was helping him with the pain.

=> 我正在帮助他的痛苦。

I helped him, to Oh, fuck.

=> 我帮他,噢,他妈的。

AndSam, his son, he came to see me at work today and I think he might have guessed it was me, that I was john's lover.

=> 他的儿子萨姆今天在工作中来看望我,我想他可能已经猜到是我了,我是约翰的情人。

If this comes out, I'm screwed, Trudi.

=> 如果这个问题出来了,Trudi,我搞砸了。

They can stop me practising medicine, I could end up in court, I could end up Wait.

=> 他们可以阻止我练药,我可以在法庭上结束,我可以结束等等。

What does he know exactly? What did he say? That he knows his dad was seeing someone, and he wants to find out who.

=> 他究竟知道什么?他说什么?他知道他的父亲正在看某人,他想知道是谁。

OK, listen to me.

=> 好,听我说。

You have to stop treating the family.

=> 你必须停止对待家庭。

You have to move them off your patient list and move others too.

=> 您必须将其从患者列表中移除,并移动其他人。

No, no.

=> 不,不。

No, I can't.

=> 不,我不能。

Sam is 24.

=> 山姆24岁

He has been my patient for years - he's got no-one else to talk to.

=> 他多年来一直是我的耐心 - 他没有别人可以交谈。

So bloody what?! This is your life.

=> 那血腥的是什么?!这是你的人生。

He's john's son.

=> 他是约翰的儿子。

John He asked me to keep an eye on him.

=> 约翰他让我留意他。

-You can't, Katie.

=> 凯蒂,你不能。

-When he was dying, Trudi.

=> 当他快死了的时候,特鲁迪

You can't.

=> 你不能。

You are going to have to stop treating the family.

=> 你将不得不停止治疗家庭。

You're going to have to move on with your life.

=> 你将不得不继续你的生活。

You're going to have to forget that this affair ever happened.

=> 你将不得不忘记这件事情发生过。

I've already got about 30 hours' worth of Penny Smith and it's just difficult for me to stay late.

=> 我已经有了大概30个小时的Penny Smith,而且我很难迟到。

I'm sorry, but it's a knotty point, you'll have to look at some case law.

=> 我很抱歉,但这是一个棘手的问题,你必须看一些判例法。

Siobhan, look, I know you've been taking time off for personal reasons, and I am sympathetic to that, but you know I'm fully supportive of your application to become partner, but if your level of commitment starts to drop -Fine, I'll stay late.

=> Siobhan,看,我知道你因为个人原因而抽空休假,而且我同情这个,但是你知道我完全支持你的申请成为合伙人,但是如果你的承诺水平开始下降 - 我会迟到的


=> -好。


=> 好。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。


=> 神。

Dominic, you're not working on the jarvis case, are you? Mmhm.

=> 多米尼克,你没有在jarvis案件上工作,是吗? Mmhm。

But I can work late again, if you need a hand with it.

=> 但是如果你需要一个人的话,我可以再工作一段时间了。


=> 没有。


=> 谢谢。

I'll be fine.

=> 我会没事儿的。

I sent you an email.

=> 我给你发了封邮件。

-You know that's harassment.

=> 你知道这是骚扰

-I can cite provocation.

=> 我可以举出挑衅

- Morning! - Morning! - Hi, Richard.

=> - 早上好! - 早上好! - 理查德

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

Hi, Amy.

=> 嗨,艾米

Quick, quick, quick, quick! Bye.

=> 快速,快速,快速,快捷!再见。

BYe Hi Look, sorry I missed the PTA meeting.

=> 再见嗨看,对不起,我错过了PTA会议。

-Did you convict anyone? - No, but there was nearly an impeachment.

=> 你有罪吗?不,但几乎是弹impe。

And I'm sure next week there'll be a mob-style assassination.

=> 而且我相信下周会有一场暴徒式的暗杀。

Sounds unmissable.

=> 听起来不容错过。

I tried to call you.

=> 我尝试打电话给你。

Your number's not on the list? 0h, no.

=> 你的电话号码不在列表中? 0h,没有。

I had some funny calls a while back.

=> 我回了一些有趣的电话。

Hey, do you want to get that coffee? Look, I'veI've got to get to work now.

=> 嘿,你想喝点咖啡吗?看,我现在得开始工作了。

-Maybe after school we could do something.

=> - 放学后,我们可以做点什么。

-Yeah, sure.

=> -好,当然。


=> 大。


=> 好。

See you then.

=> 回头见。

Yeah, OK.

=> 是的,好的。


=> 再见。


=> 再见。

Come in.

=> 进来。

Rob, hi.

=> 罗布,你好

I wanted to ask you a favour.

=> 我想请你帮个忙。

For you, anything.

=> 对于你,任何事情。

There's a few patients I've been struggling with lately.

=> 最近有几个病人在苦苦挣扎。

-I wondered if -Yeah.

=> - 我想知道 - 是的。

I'll stick 'em on my list.

=> 我会粘在我的名单上。

If there's any of yours you want me to pick up I'll let you know.

=> 如果有任何你想让我拿起的话,我会让你知道的。

-Thanks, Rob, I owe you.

=> 罗伯,我欠你的。

-That's OK.

=> -没关系。

-Simon? Are you ready? -I can't come.

=> -Simon?你准备好了吗?我不能来

- What? I think Miranda suspects.

=> - 什么?我认为米兰达怀疑。

She found a long black hair in her hairbrush.

=> 她在发刷中发现一头长长的黑发。

And in the bed.

=> 在床上。


=> 拉屎。

-Well, can't you blame the cleaner? -She's Belgian, with coarse blonde ringlets.

=> 好的,你不能责怪清洁工吗?她是比利时人,粗犷的金发小辫。

-Blame the nanny.

=> - 保姆。

-She's an elderly Lithuanian jew, with short grey hair.

=> 她是一位年长的立陶宛犹太人,头发灰白。

I've got to go home and face her.

=> 我必须回家,面对她。

-Who, the nanny? -No, my wife! Shit.

=> 谁,保姆? - 不,我的妻子!拉屎。

Well, good luck.

=> 好吧,祝你好运。

Hey, at least It's not all bad - you don't have to face the lezzers from hell.

=> 嘿,至少这并不坏 - 你不必面对来自地狱的le ers声。

- Alex, hi.

=> - Alex,你好。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

Where's Lisa, is she gonna meet us there? -Ah, no.

=> 丽莎在哪里,她会在那里见到我们吗? - 呃,不。

She couldn't make it.


-Right, so it'sjust you and me.

=> - 所以这只是你和我。


=> 对。

You're welcome.

=> 别客气。


=> 好。


=> Umcheers。

-Oh! What are we celebrating? -Well, I suppose I feel like I've got through the hardest part now, and the kids are settled.

=> -哦!我们在庆祝什么?好吧,我觉得我现在已经度过了最艰难的一部分,孩子们已经安定下来了。

Well, on your own, that's, er, pretty amazing.

=> 那么,就你自己来说,呃,相当了不起。

That's why I didn't put Gina into Reception.

=> 这就是为什么我没有把吉娜纳入接待。

Since she only had me, I wanted her to have as much time with me as possible.

=> 由于她只有我,所以我希望她能尽可能多地和我在一起。

-That's very unselfish of you.

=> - 这是你的无私。

-0h, I dunno.

=> -0h,我不知道。

She's so happy to be at school, I think it was more for my sake.

=> 她在学校很开心,我认为这更多是为了我的缘故。

Now I've got to figure out what to do with my empty days.

=> 现在我得弄清楚如何处理空闲的日子。

You're not planning to get a job? Oh, maybe.

=> 你不打算找份工作?哦,也许吧。

You know, I'm not sure if I'm actually employable.

=> 你知道,我不确定我是否实际上可以就业。

Or ever was, really.

=> 或者曾经,真的。

Luckily Paul left us .




we're OK.


Siobhan, just give it up.

=> Siobhan,放弃吧

You know you need me.

=> 你知道你需要我

You know, you really have nothing to be embarrassed about.

=> 你知道,你真的没有什么好尴尬的。

And I can verify that personally.

=> 我可以亲自验证。

Shut up.

=> 闭嘴。

-just shut up.

=> -闭嘴吧。

-Come on, gimme some jarvis.

=> - 对,给我一些jarvis。

I don't understand.

=> 我不明白。

Doctor Roden has been our family doctor for at least ten years.

=> 罗登医生是我们的家庭医生至少十年。

Why am I suddenly taken off the list? -I'm really sorry but there's been some reorganisation of patient lists.

=> 为什么我突然脱下名单? - 我真的很抱歉,但有一些病人名单的重组。

-Fine, but why ME? -Why have I been moved? -You can see Dr Carrington.

=> - 好,但为什么我?为什么我被感动了? - 你可以看看卡林顿博士。

I don't want to see Dr Carrington.

=> 我不想见Carrington博士。

I want to see Dr Roden.

=> 我想见罗登博士。

Why do I have to see a different doctor? There's nothing we can do at the moment.

=> 为什么我要看另一位医生?目前我们无能为力。

As I said before It's just the same as all the others - ugly, charmless and totally unromantic.

=> 正如我之前所说的那样,和所有其他人一样 - 丑陋,无魅力,完全没有语言。

OK, you hate it.

=> 好的,你讨厌它。

I get it.

=> 我知道了。

No, I don't think you do get it.

=> 不,我不认为你明白这一点。

Why exactly are you doing this job? Why are you even getting married? That's none of your business.

=> 为什么你做这个工作?你为什么要结婚?这个跟你没有关系。

Actually, it is, since I'm planning your wedding.

=> 事实上,因为我在计划你的婚礼。

It's a civil partnership! What are you so pissed off about, Alex? Do you not want to get married? Yes, I do.

=> 这是一个公民伙伴关系!亚历克斯,你怎么这么生气?你不想结婚吗?是的,我愿意。

I just wish we'd done it in Morocco.

=> 我只是希望我们能在摩洛哥做到这一点。

It's where I proposed after we'd had this huge fight and nearly split.

=> 这是我们经过这场巨大的战斗之后提出的,差点分裂的地方。

It just felt right, just the two of us, the view, the sky Get in.

=> 它只是感觉是对的,只是我们两个,视图,天空进入。


=> 大。

So this is what I've ruined my favourite shoes for - for this stunted castle? They've got a space in three weeks, if you want it.

=> 所以这就是我毁了我最喜欢的鞋 - 为了这个矮小的城堡?如果你想的话,他们已经有三个星期的时间了。

Look, I know it's not what you asked for, but but I .

=> 看,我知道这不是你要求的,但是我。



I feel like you'd be happier saying your vows somewhere more private.


You know.

=> 你懂。


=> 。


=> 。

you're exactly right.


Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

You're welcome.

=> 别客气。

So, how's it going with your spiky dykes? Yeah, fine.

=> 那么,你的尖刺堤坝怎么样?好的。

-I thought you hated them.

=> 我以为你恨他们


=> 是啊。

Well, they're growing on me.

=> 那么,他们正在我身上。

You're not on call again, are you? Yes, I am, but they're not supposed to be calling my mobile.

=> 你不再打电话,是吗?是的,我是,但他们不应该叫我的手机。

-So, did you see your school-run bloke? -Um, yeah.

=> 所以,你有没有看到你的学校运行? - 嗯,是的。

- I've just been out with him.

=> 我刚和他出去了

- Great.

=> 太好了

- How did it go? - Really good.

=> - 怎么样了? - 真的很好。

I mean, we just got on so well.

=> 我的意思是,我们做得很好。

And I was so myself, you know, andI think he still liked me.

=> 我知道,我自己也是如此,我想他还是喜欢我的。

0f course he did.

=> 当然,他做到了。

Yeah, but do you like HIM? I mean, who is this guy? Ah, my honorary wives.

=> 是的,但你喜欢他吗?我的意思是,这个人是谁?啊,我的荣誉太太

Where's the real one - working late again? Have you got the father's deposition? - Here.

=> 真正的那个在哪里工作呢?你有父亲的存款吗? - 这里。

- Thanks.

=> - 谢谢。

If you two get together, you'll be Richard and Trudi! It's got a certain ring to it! My, God.

=> 如果你们两个在一起,你们会是Richard和Trudi!它有一个特定的环!天哪。

That's so weird.

=> 太奇怪了

I've been 'Paul and Trudi' forever.

=> 我永远是“保罗和特鲁迪”。

- Well, don't get too serious too soon.

=> - 好的,不要太早认真。

- Meaning? Enjoy the courtship, the romance This is coming from the woman who tried to bald my wife's fanny.

=> - 意思?享受求爱,浪漫这是来自试图my my我妻子的范妮的女人。

All I'm saying is, he could be the worst shag in the world, but she'd never know it cos it's been so long.

=> 我只是说,他可能是世界上最糟糕的耻辱,但是她永远不会知道,因为它已经这么久了。

Coming from a serial slapper! Hey! No fighting.

=> 来自一个系列拍板!嘿!不准打架。

So what about you, Katie? Shagging anyone? Or are you trying to beat Trudi's record? 0h, my pager.

=> 那么凯蒂,你呢?盯着任何人?还是你想击败Trudi的纪录? 0h,我的传呼机。

Tell them to goto casualty, lazy bastards! Hari! 0rder's in.

=> 告诉他们去伤亡,懒惰的混蛋!哈! 0rder的在。

Table 27.

=> 表27

Excuse me.

=> 打扰一下。

That's me.

=> 那是我。

Yes, hello.

=> 是的你好。

This is Doctor Roden from the - Dr Roden, it's Sam Grey.

=> 这是罗登博士的罗登医生,是萨姆格雷。

- Hi, Sam.

=> - 你好山姆。

I need you to come over as soon as possible.

=> 我需要你尽快过来。

It's Mum - Yes.

=> 这是妈妈 - 是的。

- She's in a state, really upset.

=> - 她处于一种状态,真的很难过

- I can't calm her down, she's hysterical.

=> - 我不能让她冷静下来,她是歇斯底里的。

- OK, OK.

=> - 好的好的。

Don't panic.

=> 不要惊慌。

- I'll be straight over.

=> 我会一直过去

- OK, thanks.

=> - 好,谢谢。


=> 好。


=> 再见。

I think I've got it.

=> 我想我已经明白了。


=> 看。

In 1998 there's a judge order.

=> 1998年有一个裁判令。

- Psychological evaluation.

=> - 心理评估。

- Show me.

=> - 给我看看。

Oh, that's perfect.

=> 哦,那很完美。

Dominic, you can't do that.

=> 多米尼克,你不能这样做。

Hi, Trudi, it's Richard.

=> 嗨,Trudi,这是Richard。

Um, listen, Ijust wanted to say I had fun today, and let's do it again soon.

=> 呃,听着,我只想说我今天玩得很开心,我们马上再来。


=> 再见。

Hello? Hello? Hello? -Where is she? -She's, um, gone to bed.

=> 你好?你好?你好? -她在哪? - 她就是这样睡觉了。

-But I thought you said - Yeah, she calmed down, she, er took a sleeping pill.

=> 但我以为你说 - 是的,她平静下来,她,呃,吃了一个安眠药。

- So, what happened? - It was my fault, I upset her.

=> - 所以发生了什么事? - 这是我的错,我不高兴她。

Asking her stuff How are you? - I would've come and told you today, but, um - Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

=> 问她的东西你好吗? - 我今天会来告诉你的,但是,恩,对此我很抱歉。

- We were reorganising our patient lists.

=> - 我们正在重新组织我们的病人名单。

- Why? It's to do with demographics, and female patients.

=> - 为什么?这与人口统计学和女性患者有关。

- Why us? Why me, right now? - It wasn't my decision, Sam.

=> - 为什么是我们?为什么我现在呢? - 这不是我的决定,山姆。

I wasn't consulted, but it was an oversight on my part, considering your recent circumstances.

=> 我没有咨询,但考虑到你最近的情况,这是我的疏忽。

Now, if you'd like me to, I can transfer you back onto my list tomorrow.

=> 现在,如果你愿意,我可以把你转回到我的名单明天。

- OK.

=> - 好。

- It's not a problem.

=> - 这不是一个问题。

- And I'm sorry if this has caused you any more - It's fine.

=> - 对不起,如果这使你更多 - 没关系。

Will you be going back to college soon? I can write you a note if you need more time, but my advice would be to get back to normal as soon as possible.

=> 你会很快回到大学吗?如果您需要更多的时间,我可以给您写信,但我的建议是尽快恢复正常。

I wanted to stay at home, to.

=> 我想呆在家里。


=> 。



look after him but Dad said no.

=> 照顾他,但爸爸说不。

He wanted me to carry on.

=> 他想让我继续下去。

I'm sure he was very proud of you.

=> 我确定他为你感到骄傲。

Or was it just because he didn't want me to get in the way of his love affair? He must have really loved her.

=> 还是仅仅因为他不想让我妨碍他的爱情呢?他一定真的爱过她。

- He loved you too.

=> 他也爱你

- Did he? You know, you shouldn't do that.

=> - 他呢?你知道,你不应该这样做。

But it's.

=> 但是。


=> 。



it's too late.


I can't ask my dad about it I can't tell my mum.

=> 我不能问我的爸爸,我不能告诉我的妈妈。

I'm going to find her.

=> 我要去找她

- Has anyone here ever kissed a girl? - I was thinking dinner.

=> - 有没有人在这里吻过一个女孩? - 我在想晚餐。

That's the only reason he would ask me out? - People see us together all the time.

=>这是他问我的唯一原因吗? - 人们一直在一起看我们。

' - Take me somewhere.

=>“ - 把我带到某个地方。

Hi Hari.

=> 嗨Hari

- Is Siobhan around? - She's around somewhere.

=> Siobhan在附近吗? - 她在附近

- Is everything OK at work? - Yeah, fine.

=> - 一切正常吗? - 好的。

- Please, will you stop? -You have got bloody nerve.

=> - 请,你会停下来吗?你有血腥的神经。

trying to help you.

=> 试图帮助你。

I'm trying to be your friend.

=> 我想成为你的朋友。

- 0h.

=> - 0h。

I'm so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

- My fault.

=> - 我的错。

I won't tell.

=> 我不会说。


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